• Rehabilitación de estructuras Costanilla San Andres 4 01-1
  • Rehabilitación de estructuras Costanilla San Andres 4 06
  • Rehabilitación de estructuras Costanilla San Andres 4 03-1
  • Rehabilitación de estructuras Costanilla San Andres 4 04-1
  • Rehabilitación de estructuras Costanilla San Andres 4 05-1

Costanilla de San Andrés 4, Madrid, Spain


Structural consolidation in this old house-palace from 1710 located in the popular Costanilla de San Andrés. An exhaustive inspection was carried out to check the condition of the structure, a traditional construction system from the 18th century composed of mixed wood and brick walls, detecting the existence of xylophagous insects that had caused the degradation of the beams, right feet and wooden suspenders over time. Partial or total intervention was carried out in the affected areas by means of metal reinforcements or replacement of load-bearing elements, depending on the degree of deterioration, and special protection products were applied in the non-intervened areas.