• Fachada ventilada Avenida Pastora 01
  • Fachada ventilada Avenida Pastora 02
  • Fachada ventilada Avenida Pastora 03
  • Fachada ventilada Avenida Pastora 04
  • Fachada ventilada Avenida Pastora 05

Avenida Pastora 16, Portugalete, Spain

Our specialists carry out the thermal improvement of the envelope of this set of buildings by installing, on the main side facing the street, a ceramic ventilated facade with low absorption and rock wool insulation. The same solution is used on the rear side, but in this case the finish used is a composite. We also intervened on the roof, placing insulation on the pre-existing sandwich panel, with a self-protected slate-type asphalt fabric finish. All of the existing railings and clotheslines were also replaced with new ones finished in stainless steel and glass.