• Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Colegio Abogados Madrid 01
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Colegio Abogados Madrid 02
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Colegio Abogados Madrid 03
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Colegio Abogados Madrid 04

Bar Association, Madrid, Spain

Restoration of the facades of this beautiful building on Madrid’s Calle Serrano. The work involved comprehensive controlled pressure-water cleaning, traditional lime plastering with a bush-hammered finish according to the original segmenting, restoration and repair of cornices, balustrades, belt courses, and balcony decks, and execution of a new cornice of natural zinc, along with reproduction of balusters, corbels, and ornamental elements with resin and fiberglass casts made in our workshop. Finally we gave the facade a coat of silicate paint, enameled the original interior wooden shutters and balcony ironwork, and dry-cleaned the granite plinth course by mineral blasting, along with pointing and restoration with special mortars and application of imitation granite patinas. The beauty of the building was also enhanced with new architectural lighting.