• Conservación de Patrimonio Cartuja Baja 01
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  • Conservación de Patrimonio Cartuja Baja 03
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  • Conservación de Patrimonio Cartuja Baja 05

Cartuja Baja, Zaragoza, Spain

This Carthusian monastery of the Immaculate Conception is on the outskirts of Zaragoza. The ensemble was built by Alonso de Funes y Villalpando, superintendent, up to his death in 1630, of the Hospital of San Felipe y Santiago. In our restoration of this historic building, designated a cultural heritage asset, damaged ashlars were replaced with similar stones of the same size, as were decaying molded bricks. Worth noting is our restoration of the belfry opening on the south elevation, clearing it of added brickwork, with replacement of ceramic tiles and balls as well as of the tiling on the four pinnacles.