• Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Plaza de la Independencia 1 05
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Plaza de la Independencia 1 06
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Plaza de la Independencia 1 07
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Plaza de la Independencia 1 08
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Plaza de la Independencia 1 09

Chamber of Commerce, Madrid, Spain

Following work on Nos. 2 and 5 of Madrid’s central Plaza de la Independencia, KALAM also restored the stone facades of this building at No. 1, cleaning the stone by various methods (dry, wet, or aggregate blasting) depending on the extent of deposits and the substrate concerned. Damaged stone was consolidated, stitched with fiberglass bars, and repaired with pigmented restoration mortars matching the original stone color. Finally we applied water-repellent treatments to the limestone and granite on the ground floor.