• Rehabilitación de fachadas Felipe II Jorge Juan 06
  • Rehabilitación de fachadas Felipe II Jorge Juan 03
  • Rehabilitación de fachadas Felipe II Jorge Juan 03b
  • Rehabilitación de fachadas Felipe II Jorge Juan 05
  • Rehabilitación de fachadas Felipe II Jorge Juan 06

Felipe II Jorge Juan, Madrid, Spain

It was a question of securing the facades of this community. Other companies – not very qualified and without technical means or specialized professionals – had already intervened without being able to solve the risk of landslides on a very busy public road. The cladding and bricks were cleaned, consolidated and waterproofed, the fastening elements of the cladding were checked, and the necessary pieces were replaced and anchored by means of rods and epoxy resins, applying restoration mortars on the pieces that had lost their section, completing the work with the waterproofing and flooring of the flat roofs.