• Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Plaza de la Independencia 5 01
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Plaza de la Independencia 5 02
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Plaza de la Independencia 5 03
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Plaza de la Independencia 5 04
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Plaza de la Independencia 5 05

Independence Square 5, Madrid, Spain

Our work on this building in Madrid’s Plaza de la Independencia involved the restoration of the main, rear, and courtyard facades. The original renders were restored following an overall chromatic study and preparation of samples for the owners; the volumes of belt courses, cornices, ornaments, and balustrades were renewed with restoration mortars; and the balconies were suitably set and weatherproofed to prevent future runoff to the facade. Finally we restored missing materials in wrought-iron railings along with the building’s cast eagle figurehead.