• Rehabilitacion de Fachadas Ornamentadas Ministerio de Hacienda 01
  • Rehabilitacion de Fachadas Ornamentadas Ministerio de Hacienda 02
  • Rehabilitacion de Fachadas Ornamentadas Ministerio de Hacienda 03
  • Rehabilitacion de Fachadas Ornamentadas Ministerio de Hacienda 04

Ministry of Finance, Madrid, Spain

Restoration of the facade giving onto Calle Aduana and the main balcony over Calle Alcalá of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration. This building was erected as a royal customs house by the Italian architect Francisco Sabatini in 1761 for Carlos III, and in 1998 was declared a monumental cultural heritage asset. Our work involved dry cleaning, reproduction of portions of granite ashlars, belt courses, windows, balustrades, ornaments, and jutting slab edges, along with application of consolidating treatments and restoration mortars. The main balcony was weatherproofed and paved, and finally we applied chromatic blending patinas and replaced downspouts.