• Rehabilitación de Fachadas Prí­ncipe de Vergara 103 01
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Prí­ncipe de Vergara 103 02
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Prí­ncipe de Vergara 103 04
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Prí­ncipe de Vergara 103 03
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Prí­ncipe de Vergara 103 05

Príncipe de Vergara 103, Madrid, Spain

Restoration of the facades of this residential building characterized by the finish of its walls in exposed brick. The works consist of the general cleaning of the vertical faces by means of controlled water pressure as a preparation of the support for the subsequent treatments. The brick platelets are replaced in the areas of action and a punctual brick grouting, both in vertical walls as well as in the parapet. The brick surface was waterproofed, the terrace fronts and perimeter fascia were rehabilitated, and a cleaning and repair treatment was carried out to clean and repair the cladding of the crowning canopy.