• Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Casa Ramon Godo 01
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Casa Ramon Godo 02
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Casa Ramon Godo 05
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Casa Ramon Godo 04
  • Rehabilitación de Fachadas Ornamentadas Casa Ramon Godo 03

Ramón Godó House, Madrid, Spain

Restoration of the marble-stucco and stone facades and towers of this building designed by José López Sallaberry in 1908, winning all the architectural awards of its time. On these facades with French and Art Nouveau touches and a pronounced chamfered corner with a twin rotunda, KALAM conducted a holistic restoration, rebuilding every balcony and many cornices and decorative features as well as applying coatings to joinery, metalwork, and facades. The towers were also overhauled with the replacement of all zinc elements.