• Fachada ventilada Ronda de la Luna 01
  • Fachada ventilada Ronda de la Luna 02
  • Fachada ventilada Ronda de la Luna 03
  • Fachada ventilada Ronda de la Luna 04
  • Fachada ventilada Ronda de la Luna 05

Ronda de la Luna 7-9, Tres Cantos, Spain

We undertook the comprehensive rehabilitation of these two buildings, focusing on the correction of their structural pathology, since they had widespread fissures and cracks and significant risks of detachment in facade walls. Metal reinforcements were placed to support the brick masonry with excessive overhang and reinforcement of the spans and pillars with carbon fibers. The thermal insulation system was also improved through the installation of ventilated polymer concrete facades and the projection of insulating material on the first floors. Finally, the waterproofing and proper water drainage of the flat roofs of the common areas of both buildings was carried out.