• Rehabilitación de fachadas San Cugat Catalana Occidente 04
  • Rehabilitación de fachadas San Cugat Catalana Occidente 03
  • Rehabilitación de fachadas San Cugat Catalana Occidente 02
  • Rehabilitación de fachadas San Cugat Catalana Occidente 05
  • Rehabilitación de fachadas San Cugat Catalana Occidente 01

Catalana Occidente Headquarters, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Spain

This project on the main Catalana Occidente complex at Avinguda Alcalde Barnils 63 is an example of the conservation required by such exceptional buildings, protected according to the principles agreed in the international congress held in Spain with KALAM’s support and resulting in the Madrid Document adopted by ICOMOS at its 17th General Assembly in Paris. We worked accordingly on these exposed concrete facades with faults in prefabricated elements due to rebar corrosion, removing affected areas, blasting surfaces with micronized aluminum silicate, and passivating or replacing rebars, restoring volumes with high-strength non-shrink thixotropic mortars, and applying water-repellent treatments and overall color blending with mineral glazing techniques, along with other exterior conservation and upgrade work.